Upgrade website without coding
Widgets help website owners to increase sales, engage visitors, collect leads and more. Save your time and money with ready-to-use solutions and grow your business faster!
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Select the widget for your task
Choose a widget for any website goal. Increase visitor engagement, boost conversions, generate leads, provide customer support and grow social followers.
Setup & adjust it without coding
Customize your widget with the help of our intuitive editor in a few clicks. Embed it to your website in a matter of seconds.
Enjoy widget’s efficiency
Monitor your widgets most important metrics, check how it does the job and see its true value for your website.
Global widgets types
Save your time. Our widgets will deal with your website tasks for you.
Embed content from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media into your website.
A user feedback widget can link to anything from a very simple on-site poll, one-question survey, and star rating, to visual feedback and complex feedback analysis platform.
Event Calendar
Share your schedule, list of events and more